Welcome to the

Early Learning Coalition
of North Florida

Serving the counties of Baker, Bradford, Clay, Nassau, Putnam and St. Johns.
If you are a parent, caregiver or educator of a child ages birth-pre-kindergarten in our counties, we can assist you.
We manage and evaluate early child care and education programs through a quality school readiness delivery system.


Call 800.238.3463

or 904.342.2267

Here to Serve & Stronger Together

Child Care Resources

Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.

School Readiness Financial Help

Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.

VPK Pre-K Registration

Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.

Educator Resources

Morbi auctor feugiat maximus. Ut condimentum, mi ut efficitur molestie, nibh metus venenatis sapien.

To speak with a CCR&R Counselor

call us today!

All ECS Offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 5:00 except for legal holidays.

Administrative Office:


Baker County:


Baker County:


Baker County:


Baker County:


Baker County:


Baker County:


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