(This is the text version of our newsletter sent to our volunteers. Contact to learn more about our volunteer program.)

From Joan’s Desk

Dear Volunteers,
Tom Brokaw said, “It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” Every time ELC Volunteers read to children, or dress up as a character, or help with center activities, or load cars, or create make-and- take materials, or stuff bags with supplies for preschool teachers a difference is made in a child’s life.
Working with ELC volunteers is truly one of the biggest blessings of my life. I am inspired by the dedication and passion you have for reaching out to the children that this organization serves. The Outreach Program is exciting, informative, and creative because of you.
At the holiday season, my thoughts turn gratefully to you who make our programming possible. Thank you and best wishes to you and yours for a happy holiday.


ELC Early Literacy Coordinator

Reading Conference

The annual Reading Conference was held at the Marywood Retreat Center in St. Johns, September 25th. Forty-five Reading Pal volunteers and sixteen preschool teachers attended. The conference featured guest speakers Sandra Dunnavant, Lisa Taylor and Susan Murphy who shared ideas and activities. Attendees were able to participate in Interactive reading stations featuring informative reading related topics.

Sandi’s Corner

Dear Friends,
I will be retiring AGAIN in January. It’s time to read all those books that I’ve put on hold, enjoy mint juleps on the front porch, and discover ancestors that I didn’t know about.
I want to say a few words about my experience with the ELC organization and the Outreach Program.
I have loved working with the ELC staff and volunteers.
Dawn and her remarkable, dedicated, competent staff always provided me with the tools to make my job easier. Joan is one of the most enthusiastic, passionate colleagues that I have ever worked with. I enjoyed sharing ideas and performing programs with a cadre of caring volunteers.
Thank all of you for the kindness that you showed to me. I will always treasure my time with you.
PS…Don’t forget to teach those children Nursery Rhymes!


Reading Pal Spotlight

Lisa Taylor

Lisa Taylor has a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from Texas Woman’s University. She is an experienced public youth services librarian. Presently she is a librarian at Florida State College in Jacksonville. ELC is delighted to have Lisa volunteering at Lighthouse Prep in St. Augustine. Not only do preschoolers get the benefit of her vast experience but they also have the pleasure of listening to her play the ukulele during story time.
Lisa shared her passion for reading at the ELC Reading Conference in September.

Reading Pals Needed

Are you enjoying being a Reading Pal? ELC is looking for more Pals. We need your help. Spread the word about ELC to your friends, neighbors, associates, church buddies, and women’s club. Help us recruit. This program makes a difference in the lives of children. Please help us enlist more volunteers.

Literacy Themed Programs

Throughout the Fall the ELC outreach team put on four different themed literacy programs. The program themes are as follows: Ocean, Dinosaur, Dance and Eric Carle’s World of Colors program. The programs consist of a very interactive story time which includes drama, music, stories and sometimes activities. Each child receives a FREE book relating to the theme and the teacher receives a resource bag with books and materials related to that theme.


Volunteer Hours

Please fill out and return the ELC volunteer hours worksheet each month. Sheets are available at all three lending library offices or they can be sent electronically.

Return to the offices or email or fax them to Joan. 904-342-2268 (fax) or


Why Time Sheets Are Valuable
According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the value of volunteer services can be disclosed in a nonprofit’s financial statements for grant proposals, annual reports and other purposes. FASB states that non-monetary information, such as the number of donated hours or services provided by volunteers, can be helpful in assessing the success and long-term viability of a nonprofit. Using this hourly figure, an organization can put a dollar value on the community support that it receives in the form of volunteer work.

Read For The Record
ELC participated in the nationwide event Read for the Record, November 7th. Each year a book is picked and a challenge is issued for all participants to read this book on the same day to as many children as possible. The goal is to break the world record. 2,643,000 children listened to Thank You Omu and broke the world record. The ELC provided a FREE copy of this year’s book and a packet of activities was given to 75 child care providers in our six counties. 5,500 children in our area listened to the book.

Coming Events
Quarterly Volunteer Holiday Party
Tuesday, December 17th 12:30 -2:00 pm St John Main Library in St. Augustine located at 1960 Ponce De Leon Blvd. Meeting includes FREE lunch, gifts and fun. Come out and meet and visit with other ELC volunteers. RSVP to Joan for St. Augustine meeting at:

Wednesday January 15th 12:30 pm Work Day For Conference at the Clay Office
Volunteers are needed to help with organizing materials for the Conference

Saturday, January 18th 9:00-3:30 pm at the Thrasher Horne Center, Orange Park. ELC Early Educators Conference –
Volunteers are needed to help with registration that morning at 8:00 am. (If you volunteer you can stay and attend the conference for FREE.) RSVP to Joan

ELC Days

ELC Days at the Amazing Grace Crop Maze in Green Cove Springs were held October 9th and 16th. Each year ELC sponsors this fun field trip for preschools. Preschoolers went on a hay ride, walked through the crop maze, got up close with farm animals, jumped on the jump pad, and had an agricultural lesson. The ELC staff and volunteers provided an extra Fall craft. Each child was given a FREE copy of the book Spookley the Square Pumpkin and teachers received a bag of FALL related books for their classrooms. This year 450 children attended. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped.

Sponsorship by the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida and Florida’s Office of Early Learning
Early Learning Coalition of North Florida | 904-342-2267|
Administrative Office: 2450 Old Moultrie Road, Ste. 103, St. Augustine, FL 32086


Early Learning Coalition of North Florida