ELC would like to recognize Leaps & Bounds Preschool for all the extra care they give to their students right now.

❤️ Providers are taping VPK lessons and sharing the YouTube videos with their parents for the children that are staying at home.

Marian recording lesson for preschoolers.jpg

💙 They are making pick-up packets of work to go along with the VPK lessons.

💛 They are making and sending snack & meals with students who leave early for the day.

delivered Easter goody bags to the kiddos who have been home due to Corona.jpg

❤️ They are providing care for about 30 kids a day.

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Libbie from Leaps & Bounds expressed how appreciative they are for funding right now for school readiness and VPK and are doing everything they can to keep moving forward.

Thank you for caring for our community because you, like many of the parents you serve are “essential”!

#Covid19UnsungHeroes #ELCsTakeAction

Sponsorship by the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida and the state of Florida, Office of Early Learning.

Early Learning Coalition of North Florida