ELC of North Florida Announces Book Video Contest Winner

Contact: Joan Whitson, Early Learning Literacy Coordinator, 

Early Learning Coalition of North Florida, Inc. 

Email: jwhitson@elcnorthflorida.org  

Phone: 904-342-2267


Early Learning Coalition book video contest winner Treasure Harbor Preschool in St. Augustine, Florida with video creators Chase Glisson, Elissa Glisson and Danni Clay on August 7, 2020.



Early Learning Coalition book video contest winner Treasure Harbor Preschool in St. Augustine, Florida with video creators Chase Glisson, Elissa Glisson and Danni Clay on August 7, 2020. 

ELC of North Florida Announces Book Video Contest Winner

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., August 19, 2020 – During the month of July, the Early Learning Coalition (ELC) of North Florida held a children’s book video contest. Child care centers and preschools were invited to create their own videos acting out or reading a children’s book. The winning school would receive a free iPad and their video would be featured on the ELC YouTube page and shared at their annual early educators conference in January 2021.

The winner of the video contest was Treasure Harbor Preschool in St. Augustine. They took the contest to a new level and created a video using a unique method called stop motion. 

Danni Clay, the director at Treasure Harbor, described the process.

 “They took a picture every time they moved any prop,” said Danni. “Even a centimeter. So, for example, 8 pictures are in one second. The video is about 720 pictures long (1:30). She said they got their own background and gathered their props and moved every prop and took every picture themselves.” 

The video was edited in Adobe Premier. The video is the book “The Foot Book” by Dr. Seuss and can be viewed on the ELC of North Florida YouTube page here: https://youtu.be/GA1fTxiJR2Q 

“We were very impressed with the creativity of this video and its ingenuity,” said Joan Whitson, Early Literacy Outreach Manager for the ELC of North Florida. On Friday, August 7th, the school was visited with a prize patrol to receive their prize.  


The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida’s website and facebook page has up-to-date resources for providers and parents in addition to their child care services, school readiness services and VPK programs. Please visit online at www.elcnorthflorida.org or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/elcnorthflorida.


The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida (ELC) supports potential and current providers through Episcopal Children’s Services, the ELC’s contracted primary service provider. Episcopal Children’s Services is available to offer information about starting a new child care business (including directing to DCF for licensing) and enhancing your program. Episcopal Children’s Services is eager to assist providers with Contracting with the Coalition and with questions about the VPK and School Readiness programs. Contact ECS at 904-726-1500, extension 7054.




Early Learning Coalition of North Florida