A “splashing” good time was held on Thursday, March 25, 2021 at the Academy of Rising Stars Preschool in Palatka. The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida’s (ELC) outreach team put on an Ocean themed literacy program which introduces children to the wonders of the ocean world and its many creatures. The children painted sea shell creatures, made sand necklaces and created a squiggly octopus craft. Introducing tactile skills, the preschoolers learned how sand is made and were able to hold and feel many different types of shells while learning about mollusks.  

To end the day, each child received a free book called “Exploring the Ocean” and the classroom received a large bag of teaching resources to further teach the ocean theme to their students.  

ELC offers themed literacy programs to local child care centers all throughout the year with its goal to promote early literacy and the love of reading.  

“The children get so excited about receiving their books and many parents report how much their children shared with them about what they learned during the program,” said ELC’s Outreach Manager Joan Whitson. 

If you are in one of the six counties ELC serves in North Florida (Baker, Bradford, Clay, Nassau, Putnam & St. Johns), and would like a literacy program at your preschool, contact Joan Whitson at 904-342-2267. 

The Early Learning Coalition is the leading voice in six counties for child care. ELC works with many other local agencies to ensure that all families have access to quality, affordable child care. Their mission is achieved by leading projects that increase the quality and availability of child care professionals, and advocate child care policies that positively impact the lives of children and families. To learn more about the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida and how we assist in ensuring quality child care for all families, visit us at www.elcnorthflorida.org. Sponsorship by the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida and the state of Florida, Office of Early Learning.


Sponsored by the State of Florida, Office of Early Learning.