When it’s time for dinner, your preschooler will be excited to share his or her artwork in the form of decorative placemats. Making Thanksgiving placemats is a great way for your child to express creativity. Dinner guests love these homemade placemats, and they can even do double duty as party favors.

Things You’ll Need
·         Large pieces of construction paper in fall colors

·         Clear contact paper

·         Non-toxic craft glue, markers, scissors, crayons, and glitter

·         Cut-out Thanksgiving shapes or stickers

What to Do
1.    Give your preschooler a large piece of construction paper and lay out the art supplies within easy reach. Have your child choose which guest will receive this placemat, and talk together about why you feel thankful for that person.

2.    Now that your child has some great inspiration, help him or her decorate the construction paper to make a personalized placemat for each guest. Write a special message from your child on a corner of the placemat. Don’t forget to date the artwork.

3.    When the glue is dry, you can laminate the placemat to keep it clean. Simply place it face down on a piece of clear contact paper. Place another piece of contact paper over the back, and then trim the edges to make them even.

If you make this, please share your creations at www.facebook.com/elcpsj