by elcnfl | Jul 12, 2019 | activities, early learning, events, Volunteer
The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida’s (ELC) outreach team debuted their new music and movement literacy program in pre-schools this past spring and summer in Clay and Baker Counties. They will expand the program to include Bradford, Putnam, Nassau and St....
by elcnfl | Jul 12, 2019 | books, early learning
Over the summer the Early Learning Coalition of North Florida’s (ELC) outreach team is holding a series of ocean themed literacy programs in local preschool centers. The programs consist of an interactive story time featuring ocean themed books, songs and...
by elcnfl | Jul 3, 2019 | activities, books, early learning, parenting, preschool, registration, Volunteer
Enjoy the Helping Hands Newsletter for July! Look for local updates and fun family ideas for the summer. Please note, the correct date for the Early Educators Conference is Saturday, January 18th, 2020. Download here. [gview...
by elcnfl | Jun 19, 2019 | early learning, Press Release, Volunteer
PRESS RELEASE Contact: Joan Whitson, Early Learning Literacy Coordinator, Early Learning Coalition of North Florida, Inc. Email: Phone: 904-342-2267 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Image/Caption: Members of both the Sertoma and...
by elcnfl | Jun 7, 2019 | early learning
Scroll below to read our Helping Hands Newsletter for June! Or download here. [gview file=””]
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