by elcnfl | Jan 5, 2011 | activities, books, early learning, events, Imagination Library, parenting, preschool, reading
There may not be words printed beneath each photograph, but chances are, you know a story you can pass along to your child: the trip to Chicago in that old Plymouth Dart, the Christmas you had an emergency appendectomy, fishing in Nana’s lake. Research has shown that...
by elcnfl | Jan 5, 2011 | activities, books, early learning, events, Imagination Library, parenting, preschool, reading, recipes
The Curious Garden is a story about a boy’s dream and how one small person can help change the world. The ground may still be frozen up north, but here in Florida it will be planting time soon. If you’d like to try an easy spring craft, read Peter Brown’s...
by elcnfl | Jan 2, 2011 | activities, books, early learning, events, Imagination Library, parenting, preschool, reading, recipes
If you need a pat on the back for the time you spend reading to your child, Dr. Mehmet Oz, renowned physician and co-author of YOU: Raising Your Child (Simon & Schuster, 2010), offers this advice: “We can’t say it often enough: Read aloud. Read aloud. Read aloud....
by elcnfl | Nov 3, 2010 | books, early learning, events, Imagination Library, parenting, preschool, reading
TODDLER FESTS! FREE EVENTS with Storytelling, crafts, games and activities, music, character visits and giveaways! November 3: 10:15-11:45 p.m. Anastasia Branch Library, 124 Sea Grove, Main Street, St. Augustine Beach. November 20: 10-11:30 a.m. Putnam County Main...
by elcnfl | Oct 28, 2010 | events, Uncategorized
Exciting news! NOVEMBER is going to be officially proclaimed as NATIONAL FAMILY LITERACY MONTH! We want you to be a part of this celebration. Actually, by reading every day to your child, you already are! To make things more fun, the Early Learning Coalition and the...
by elcnfl | Jun 23, 2010 | early learning, events, parenting, preschool, reading
Natisha and Kia Johnson, from Palatka, enjoying the books and creative resources provided at the Mommy and Me Class June 23, 2010 at the Palatka Housing Authority. Natisha and Kia Johnson, from Palatka, enjoying the books and creative resources provided at the Mommy...
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