by ChuckS | May 3, 2021 | COVID-19, early learning, Media Release, preschool, providers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Teresa Matheny Chief of Programs Episcopal Childrens Services 904-726-1500 Ext. 247 Cell: 904-521-6803 Image/Caption: Brighton Day Care is one of many child care centers that offer...
by ChuckS | Apr 27, 2021 | preschool, Press Release, providers, Volunteer
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Image/Caption: Early Learning Coalition of North Florida (ELC) volunteer Melanie Kent (AKA “The Flamingo”) with VPK student Jashanti Lyons and the children at God’s Little Creations in Palatka on April 22, 2021. They are dancing and acting out...
by ChuckS | Apr 6, 2021 | activities, preschool, Press Release
A “splashing” good time was held on Thursday, March 25, 2021 at the Academy of Rising Stars Preschool in Palatka. The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida’s (ELC) outreach team put on an Ocean themed literacy program which introduces children to the wonders of...
by ChuckS | Jan 11, 2021 | early learning, events, Media Release, preschool, Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Learning Coalition Announces Infant & Preschool Teachers of the Year Award Winners ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., January 11, 2021 – Whether exceptional teachers are born or made is not the question. What matters is that by the time they make it...
by ChuckS | Nov 30, 2020 | Media Release, preschool, reading, Volunteer
PALATKA, Fla., November 30, 2020 – The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida’s (ELC) outreach and volunteer team led an ocean-themed literacy program at Palatka’s Children’s World preschool on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. Their World of the Ocean...
by ChuckS | Nov 13, 2020 | preschool, providers
If you are interested in nominating a preschool teacher of the year in our counties, please use the following form: Teacher of the Year Nomination Form Sponsorship by the State of Florida, Office of Early Learning.
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