ELC Awards School Readiness and VPK Services. Open link here or read below.
[gview file=”https://elc.thepromall.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/160/2019/03/RFP_Award_Notice_031419.pdf”]
Download: RFP School Readiness & VPK (PDF)
Download: “Draft” Primary Services Contract (PDF)
Download: Form A: Budget (Excel)
Download: Form B: Staffing (Excel)
Download: Child Care Resource & Referral Requirements (PDF)
Download: IT Systems & Security Policy & Procedures (PDF)
Download: Program Guidance: Records Confidentiality (PDF)
Download: Program Guidance: IT Security Manual (PDF)
Download: OEL Grant Agreement (PDF)
Download: Amendment 1 (PDF)
Initial Procurement Meeting Agenda: Agenda (PDF)
The Early Learning Coalition of North Florida, Inc. is requesting proposals for School Readiness and Voluntary Prekindergarten services in Baker, Bradford, Clay, Nassau, Putnam, and St. Johns Counties. The potential contractor will be responsible for coordinating and delivering School Readiness services to children birth through 12 years of age and Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) services for four year old children in fiscal year 2019/2020. Services include Child Care Resource and Referral, Inclusion, Quality Support Services, Eligibility and Enrollment, and Fiscal Administration. Full announcement here: https://elc.thepromall.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/160/2018/11/RFP-advertisement-113018.pdf
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